Coppola Feast

Easter Tips and Tricks from the Coppola Garden

Easter 2021

Looking to improve both your Spring garden and your egg dying techniques? Join our Visual Merchandiser, Malia, and our Farmer, Pat, as they show us some Spring gardening tips as well as how to create naturally dyed eggs for Easter.




·       4-5 cups yellow onion skin OR

·       2 Tbsp ground turmeric OR

·       1 Tbsp saffron (about 2 spice jars of threads) OR

·       4-5 cups red cabbage (about half a head) OR

·       2 pounds beets, chopped OR

·       4 ounces fresh blueberries, OR

·       1 pound fresh spinach OR

·       1 pound fresh parsley OR

·       1 bottle of red wine OR

·       1 pot coffee

·       1 Tbsp white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar

·       Hardboiled eggs

Tray of yellow dyed eggs


1.     For red wine, pour the wine into your dying container, and stir in vinegar.

2.     For coffee, brew a very dark pot of coffee, pour it into your dying container, stir in vinegar, and let cool.

3.     For everything else, place your chosen coloring medium (onion skin, turmeric, beets, etc.) in a medium stockpot. Cover with enough water to submerge 1 inch under the water. For turmeric or saffron, use 3 cups of water.

4.     Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and let simmer for 45-60 minutes. The liquid should be reduced to about half and have a dark hue.

5.     Strain the liquid into a wide-mouth container using a fine mesh strainer. Discard any solids. Stir in vinegar and let cool.

6.     Once cool, start dying the eggs. Let the eggs soak until they reach the desired color. Stir occasionally to ensure even color. Saffron will only need about 15 minutes to reach a nice color. For all other dyes, you will need to soak longer. It’s best to place the eggs in a container and let them sit in the refrigerator for a few hours, or even overnight, until desired color is achieved.


This method only works with yellow onion skin, red cabbage, red wine, and coffee, because it takes too long to get color out of the other mediums.

Tray of blue dyed eggs


·       4-5 cups yellow onion skin OR

·       4-5 cups red cabbage (about half a head) OR

·       1 bottle red wine OR

·       1 pot coffee OR

·       2 Tbsp white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar

·       Hardboiled eggs


1.     Place onion skin (or red cabbage) in a stock pot and cover with water.

2.     Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and stir.

3.     Carefully arrange eggs in the pot, covering them with the skins (or red cabbage).

4.     Bring to a boil and turn the heat off.

5.     Let them cool completely.


1.     Pour enough red wine (or coffee) into a pot to cover the eggs with about 1 inch of liquid.

2.     Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and stir.

3.     Carefully arrange eggs in the pot.

4.     Bring to a boil and turn the heat off.

5.     Let them cool completely.

The eggs will come out hardboiled and beautifully colored.



1.     Use white eggs, as they best absorb dye.

2.     We recommend using Petite Sirah as a red wine, as it provides a richer color than other varietals. Cabernet Sauvignon also works well.

3.     When purchasing beets, avoid older looking roots. Beets that still have green leaves attached are the juiciest and will give better results.

4.     Spinach and parsley require extended soaking time. Soak overnight to get good color.

5.     Shorter wide-mouth jars, cannisters, containers, and bowls are best for dying eggs.

Tray of brown dyed eggs


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